Guinea Pig Breed Profile: Crested Guinea Pigs
Crested guinea pigs are short-haired guinea pigs named for the little flat part in their hair on their forehead called a crest. Unlike Abyssinian guinea pigs who have swirly cowlicks called rosettes all over their whole body, crested guinea pigs just have one on the top of their head.

A white crested show peeg.
Different types of crested guinea pigs
Depending on the color of the guinea pig and the color of the crest, different crested guinea pigs go by different names:
When a guinea pig’s crest is the color of the rest of their fur, it’s called an English crested guinea pig.

English crested guinea pig from Pinterest
If a guinea pig has a white crest, they’re called an American crested or a white crested guinea pig.

American Crested Guinea Pig – Photo: Kurashova/Shutterstock
No matter what you call them, crested guinea pigs are pretty dang adorable.
Why do crested guinea pigs have a crest?
You may be wondering, what is the point of having a crest on the top of a guinea pig’s head? For the answer, let’s go right to the source. Guinea pig people on Reddit.
Crested guinea pigs’ crests are so cute that some people have started calling them “grape holders”, and I think you understand why. See supremely cute evidence below from a piggie loving Reddit user below.
But it doesn’t stop at grapes. Oh no. Guinea pig crests can be used to balance all sorts of delectable snacks. Like blueberries!
Form AND function.
Now you know a little bit about the sweet crested guinea pig! Do you have a crested guinea pig of your own? Share yours in the comments!
I have one . His name is Darwin. He’s a good boy.